How many discs will my Bravo Ink Print? That's a good question!

Typically a 19ml cart might cost £30-£35. 19ml of ink might print 150 discs with 70% mixed colour (eg rainbows) 45 discs 70% coverage prints single colour (eg oranges) or 600 discs with 20% mixed colour (eg logo and text). Some customers will say how they get 1000’s of prints from a single cart, through effective and considerate use of design. Call 020 8293 0777 for more information.

CD Duplication in London

CD DVD Duplication Service Ltd is located in the heart of London’s historic Greenwich. Offering rapid turnaround of high volumes of discs we offer one of the most complete and accessible services in the country.

Our duplication facilty offer both inkjet and thermal print processes and offers the capacity to deliver 100’s of 1000’s of discs per day. With over 10 years experience in the business you can be confident that we have the skills and efficiency to deliver the most professional duplication service and finished products every time.

We can produce:

  • CD,
  • DVD,
  • Blu-Ray
  • Card Media products like USB, SD and CF.

Offering rich colour printing or simple text labelling, all of our products can be finished with digitally printed booklets and paper parts. 

Visits our duplication services section pages (guide prices only), or call us today on 0208 293 0777 or email for more information.

Network Duplicator

Companies that utilise local area networks can now benefit from a network attached tower duplication system available in the UK from StorDigital. The StorDigital NetBurner offers network users access to the hard drive on the remote network attached duplicator. Using supplied software they can easily drag and drop content to the network duplicator ready for duplication. Perfect for companies that are no longer supplying client terminals with optical burning devices.

See the StorDigital NetBurner Network Duplicator here.

Church CD Duplication – get your message heard everyday

Duplicators for Churches

Making Live recordings and duplications of Church sermons could not be easier thanks to the solutions available from Whether you need to create 100 discs to had out at the end of service or wish to produce serialised box sets for promotion via your church website we have a solution to match your needs.

Being located in Greenwich South East London we are well suited to receive visits from those customers wishing to have a product demo or get advice in order that they can more fully understand the process and profits associated with recording and delivery your own disc based products. Call us on 020 8293 0777 Monday to Friday to arrange your demo.

We have helped many church and faith organisations to fully understand disc production technology and offered impartial advice that ensures the correct purchase decision is made. No 2 customers requirements are exactly the same.

DupaLIVE Recording Live audio to PC is the most popular method for creating a spoken word sermon CD. These digiutal recording would then typically be edited and mastered on the PC. Next the you would use the PC to create a master discs to use as source for making duplicates via a tower duplicator.

This multi-step, time consuming process can seem confusing for the non-technically minded. Frotunately has the answer thanks to a new live recording and duplication solution from StorDigital called “DupaLIVE”.

DupaLIVE is a live event recorder and duplicator that is prconfigured to both record live audio and duplicate. It will even make multiple copies of the live recording, meaning that you can get your message into the hands of more people in a shorter time.

With DupaLIVE it is possible to record from multpile digital or analogue sources, preventing the requirements to setup multiple recording devices.

Whilst it is possilble to record a live feed directly to multiple discs in order to maximise the output of recorded discs, it may be necessary to edit the recorded files prior to duplication. StorDgitial DupaLIVE ships with the latest easy to use software that will ensure basis and professional audio editing is a breeze. Remember you are not permitted to record copyrighted music or aother audio material without agreemnt fromt he content owner.

DupaLIVE live event recorder and duplicator is perfect for small to medium sized churches and organistations. Offering a streamlined turnkey process, the total tiome to produce duplicate discs is significantly reduced via the streamlined process.

StorDigital DupaLIVE is a 10 target intelligent recording and duplication system, featuring an embedded PC running XP. DupaLIVE offers a cost effective solution to live duplication requirements on a very conservative budget.

Convert your Bravo Printer Publisher to 300 Disc Capacity

300 Disc Primera Bravo AutoLoader

Bravo Pro, Bravo2 , Primera Bravo Disc Publisher & Printer customers, this is for YOU!

Did you ever wish you could squeeze more discs out of your disc publisher. Imagine going to bed and waking to find a job of 300 had been copied and printed to the standard you expect, without having to keep reloading discs. Well good people of the internet…. this is the very solution we are offering you!

Very few Primera customers even know the ADL-MAX exists. It is no longer available from Primera themselves, but at we have a single brand new unit ready to ship. The Primera ADL-MAX attaches to the front of any Bravo 2 or Bravo Pro disc publisher, increasing its input/output capacity to a massive 300 discs.

Since this product is now officially no longer available we are keen to sell it and have discounted the price by £900. We still have stock of appropriate Bravo printers to use with this loader, so for very little money you could buy a 300 disc autoloading DISC PRINTER from the worlds favourite disc publishing manufacturer, Primera.

Call us now on 020 8293 0777 or view the Primera ADL-MAX here. Ltd, a great deal, better.

Fat Boy Slim chooses live USB duplication solution.

UK DJ and music producer Fat Boy Slim has spoken to Time Out Magazine about how he will sell USB drives containing a recording of his South West Four gig this August. He said, In order to ensure compliance with copyright law customers would be required to download a tracklist the following day. Fat Boy (Norman Cook) suggested it may well be a DJ first. customers looking for a live duplication system should consider the StorDigital Dupalive. If you are looking to copy USB, check out the standalone StorDigital USB Duplicators.

Or if you just want to have a bit of fun – try our Fat Slim 90’s Studio Mix up below. Look for the base line, some precussion and some melody, click to drop them down then choose random sample to overlay with mouse roll over as required. Cool Eh? I think so .. I made it… Just for fun! Fat Boy Slim MixUp

Happy Days

3D Ident for StorDigital by David Caunce.

This slick little experimental video was created by one of our in-house engineers Mr David Caunce. It only took him a few hours plus renderring. Whilst we love him dearly we recognise he is a fantastically talented guy and destined for greater things than we can offer him. See his show reel below.

Good luck Dave.

Rimage Professional Disc Publishing Solutions at

professional-5100-210x210 Ltd are pleased to announce that they have been appointed as an official Rimage reseller. This means you can rely on us to supply you original Rimage inks, ribbons and media kits and be in the position to offer you the best advice on the extensive range of Rimage automated disc publishing solutions.

By building on an already strong realtionship with Rimage we are now in a unique position to help you discover the benefits of upgrading your in-house solution to the latest technology from Rimage.

See some of the product in the Rimage Disc Publishing range.

Talk to us today to find out about leasing and our money saving scrappage scheme. Call Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm on 020 8293 0777.

Bravo Ink – Primera Bravo disc printer ink use tips

Bravo Ink

Sometimes it feels likes like gram for gram ink costs more than gold. Without consideration for the processes involved with printing discs you can soon find your cost of production is much higher then expected. Overall the greatest cost involved with in-house disc production is the cost of ink.

Whilst Primera disc publishers can be cheap to purchase and you get a great product for your money, the running costs can sometimes sting a little. The same goes for all the other disc printer manufacturers who rely on ongoing ink sales to sure up revenues and profits. Infact, often a disc printer is sold at a cost very close to the actual cost of manufacture.

So how do you get the most out of those precious ink cartridges?

A good guide to the estimated output of a 19ml cartridge, costing £35 might be as follows:

20% coverage mixed use of colour 600 prints
70% coverage mixed use of colour 140 prints (eg rainbows)
70% coverage single colour 40 prints (eg oranges)

So why are there these big differences? The reason is due to the Bravo ink cartridge system. Like 90% of professional printing solutions the Primera Bravo Disc Publisher range uses mixed colour carts. This means they contain resevoirs of individual colours, CMY. So if you take a new Bravo Ink Cartridge and do a job of full surface blue prints the cart will deplete after 40 discs. But if the image you were printing was Blue, Yellow and Red you may do 150 full face prints before the cartridge reads as empty.

So we can see from the above that the artwork will very much effect the amount of print you get from your ink cartridge. As a general rule, the less ink you apply to your disc, 01) The faster it will print 02) The more durable the print 03) The cheaper it will be to print.

Applying less ink to a disc in no way has to scarifice good design. Inkjet print processes are not best suited to having large areas of flat filled colour with high saturation. Flat filled areas will often dissapoint due to banding, graduation, pixelation and other inconsistancies, and will thus require more quality assurance time.

By carefull management of your cartridges you can increase the yield by around 300%, but we’ll talk more about that another time.

The advice we give at is to wherever possible help to manage the customers expectations of their design and understand the limitation of the process. By controlling the amount of ink used in a design you can reduce the time to produce 1000 discs by many hours and reduce the costs by 100’s of pounds. By carefully managing your customers expectations you can soon return a large profit from your investment.

For more information about how to produce the highest quality discs, in the fastest possible time, with the largest possible profits, be sure to call the team at on +44 208 293 0777 monday to friday 09.30 am to 17.30 pm.

Primera Bravo Disc Printers and CD DVD Publisher round up

Primera is the leading prosumer brand of automated disc publishing systems for CD and DVD. They have a larger installed base than any other manufacturer. Over the years at we have supplied many 1000’s of customer with Primera products. We are an authorised primera reseller and employ staff who have received training from Primera in the USA. If you have a technical problem with an out of warranty Primera product you can call us on 020 8293 0777 to arrange a quote for repair.

Recently the Primera Disc Publishing range has changed somewhat. They have phased out the Primera Bravo2 (Disc Publisher 2) and the Primera Bravo Pro (Disc Publisher Pro). There are presently NO publishers left in the European supply chain. Some Bravo Pro Printers and Bravo 2 Printers do still remain. The Bravo SE series of entry level publishers remains unaffected.

The existing Bravo Pro and Bravo 2 units have been replaced with BravoPro Xi and Bravo Pro Xi2 units. Both these units are based on the original Primera Disc Publisher Pro. The Bravo Xi has 100 disc capacity and a single disc recorder and the Bravo Xi2 has 100 disc capacity and 2 disc recorders. The new units also feature enhanced software that will support faster disc production. Like previous Primera Bravo units the new Primera Disc Publsihers support both Mac and PC operating systems.

Discover the new Primera Disc Publishers here