Rimage Helps Momentum Worldwide Create Profit Center by Bringing CD/DVD Production In-House

Rimage Corporation today announced Momentum Worldwide, a global event, promotion, retail and sponsorship marketing firm, turned its use of a Rimage disc publishing solution into a profit center within just three months of bringing its production of CDs and DVDs in-house.

Momentum produces up to 40,000 CDs and DVDs per year containing digital content, including everything from the videos of events it plans and coordinates for its clients, to client presentations and internal training videos. In the past, Momentum outsourced all of its disc production needs. Momentum has reduced its disc publishing costs by 75 percent and will generate substantial new revenue this year using a Rimage disc publishing solution.

source: ’emedialive’

Is Your Band Ready For CD Duplication Or CD Replication?

It’s a typical situation. You’ve been putting a lot of energy in your craft and people are starting to talk about your band. You’ve played a few shows and everyone is asking for a CD. I used to think that in order to release your own CD you would go out and play a bunch of shows and then someone would come out and sign you. They’d take care of everything. They’d set up the recording studio, organize the artwork, and pay for it to get manufactured. That’s not the case these days.

At present, technology is readily available for any budding musician to record, create, and duplicate CDs. CD duplication involves CD-R media. CD-R prices have dropped dramatically since the first CD Recorders were available on the consumer market. This makes it an affordable option for anyone who wants to copy their own CDs and pass them on to friends, family, or fans. This is a great option for the young band that is still getting their feet wet in the music industry. Duplicating a limited amount of CDs can keep a limited budget in place.

source: ‘articlecity’

MF Digital Introduces Data Ripping Software

MF Digital released Data Ripping, a software utility that allows users to extract disc content from the original CD or DVD file and folder structure on to hard disc.

“Users can now extract data and keep the original file and folder structure of the CD or DVD. Typically a disc archive would create a global disc image, or a single .ISO file eliminating the ability to view a specific file after the archive. However, MF Digital’s Data Ripping utility gives the user a way to view individual files after the archive process,” says John McGrath, MF Digital Sales Manager. “Many companies are struggling with how to migratetheir data from disc and old juke box devices to newer, high capacity storage platforms such as high density optical disc, storage area networks, or other network attached storage devices.”

Couple the Data Ripping feature with MF Digital’s disc robotics hardware, users now have an automated way to extract disc content in bulk.

source: ‘CDRInfo’
Relevant links: full story

Mojopac and Ceedo Review

Since the flashdiscs has come to our life, new technologies based on flashdiscs -which make our life easier- are improved continuously. Two of them are portable programmes which emulates host computer’s operating system and uses its resources, named Mojopac and Ceedo. With these softwares you catch the chance to use your favourite programmes, play games and carry your personal data in your pocket. Mojopac and Ceedo which give you opportunity to use personal and private operating system, seems to be talked about their names in the future.

source: ‘flashlighter.com’
Relevant links: full story

New Product Round Up

We seem to be getting more and more new products into the core range at CD-writer.com. So here is a quick run down of what we have got on the shelves right now.

For those interested in backing up their memory cards from camera, mp3 player or other portable device to DVD or CD. We have the Burnaway which is a completely standalond DVD and CD burner. The device has memory card slots that support CompactFlash (I&II), Microdrive, SD, MMC, SmartMedia, Memory Stick, MS PRO, and xD (with adapter). Take a look at the Delkin BurnAway here.

Second up with have the Tascam Range of CD Recorders. While CD recorders are no way new to CD-writer.com, least of all Tascam, they do a have some new models that offer enhanced functions. See the range of Tascam CD Recorders including the CDRW402mk3 and the TASCAM CD-RW 901.

We have also welcomed a new recordable media product into the fold – AONE media offer some excellent printable CDR and printable DVD products that are comparable to Ritek. The print surface is great and recording reliability is very good. Go here to view the AONE printable media CD and AONE Printable DVD

We’ve also got some new LightScribe DVD Witers including LG GSA-E10L, HP DVD 940e and the HP DVD 940i. Review our Lightscribe media section.

To mark the release of the new product from Primera, the Primera SE CD printer we are running a promotion that includes the new printer and our best selling StorDigital ProBurner. For a limited time, while stocks last you will be able to get the lastest automated CD DVD printer and the aluminium finished 7 DVD CD copier for just £1249 plus vat.

DV Video content available now from CD-writer.com

Many of the CD-writer.com customers are creatives working professionaly with digital media. AS part of a drive to support these individuals we are now offering DVDs containing stock digital video for use in DVDs and presentations. The range presently includes digital motion video from the natural world in addition to conceptual and real world footage. Many of the video shots are suitable for looped backgrounds. They are supplied in looped backgrounds they are supplied in QuickTime 6 DV in PAL and NTSC formats and in FlashVideo format. For use by editors, animators, programme makers etc. 12-26 second clips, 20 clips per volume with seamless looping for most animation clips. View our Digital Video Content Archive here.

Rimage Corporation Announce release of Everest3 – enhanced thermal re-transfer printer

, which is an enhanced version of Rimage’s pioneering thermal retransfer printing technology, enables users to create custom, colorful, high-resolution labels bonded directly to the surface of CDs and DVDs – a permanent solution essential for many retail, medical and banking/finance applications. Enhancements include increased color accuracy, added hardware and software functionality, and enhanced ribbon communication, resulting in a combination of unmatched reliability, long print run capabilities, print permanence and the industry’s lowest cost per disc. See the full range of DVD CD Printers here.

Do You Know How To Copy A DVD?

Many people “burn” copies of their CD’s – Compact Discs – making copies of music, e-books, data files and just about everything else. But what about DVD’s? Do you know how to copy a DVD and is it legal?

Let’s look at the legal issues first, and then we’ll examine how you go about copying a DVD — a movie, for example, to a writable disc. Many of us are used to copying files to a CD – using “drag and drop” technology, which involves dragging some files across your computer screen and releasing them to the drive where the CD rests. But copying a DVD involves quite a bit more and there are legal problems to consider.

Before we even get started on exactly how to copy a DVD, you need to become familiar with two important terms – encryption and copyright law. LEGAL DISCLAIMER TIME: Now, I am not an attorney and do not play one in real life so make sure you consult one in your area of residence before doing anything on your own with this information. From what I understand it’s perfectly legal to burn a copy of a DVD – if it’s for your private use in your own home as a backup copy. For example – say you have an extensive collection of DVD movies, but you are worried about your DVD’s getting scratched from using them so much – so you may want to make copies of all these DVD’s and keep them in a safe place in case some of them get scratched. That’s fine.

But if your DVD is encrypted (as most movies are) – most software that allows you to make copies won’t get around the encryption. (There are multiple sources that offer this type of software now, but it’s up to you to find them.) Bottom line – if it’s encrypted, you’re not supposed to be able to copy it. Why? Because copyright law says you need to pay a royalty to the person or studio or whoever made the DVD – otherwise you’re guilty of copyright infringement. If you copy only those videos for your own use, you’re probably ok, but start burning them and selling them on eBay you’ll be in trouble with the Hollywood studio system and the government in a hurry.

In the interest of protecting … well, their interests, Hollywood studios came up with a little encryption system known as CSS or Content Scrambling System. This encryption doesn’t have anything to do with free speech issues – it’s all about money! The Hollywood studios figure that if they put all their cash into making the movie, the least you can do is pay them a royalty. It’s amazing how many people aren’t willing to do that, which is why the software was developed that allows you to go around the encryption. Otherwise your DVD copies just would not work.

Now, of course the Hollywood studios and a very few others have the so-called “keys” to this system – after all, they designed it! But the rest of the non-paying public has to depend on those free, independent spirits out there to come up with a way around that encryption, as indeed they did.

Circumventing this encryption is generally known in the biz as “ripping” a DVD (and of course copying the files to your computer hard drive) – see, you’re already well on your way to becoming a computer geek – “geek talk” and all. If you rip the DVD to the hard drive of your computer, you can tell if the size will fit on a regular DVD. If not, you’ll need to make one of the choices available to you – such as compressing the data, removing or splitting part of it so it takes up less space.

When choosing a software package that will allow you to rip DVD‘s you’ll need to choose one that fits your needs. By that I mean there are packages out there that will allow you to do it all – rip, compress, remove or split data, in addition to utilities that will let you play with the settings on your DVD and affect the quality of your final copy. If you’re not a computer geek, you may not need all those extra features – the quality between a typical DVD and one that’s been ripped is usually very slight to the average user. If you plan on going in the geek direction, you may want a higher quality end product – in other words, if you’re picky, choose a program with more features that gives you more control.

[source: articlecity.com]

DVD Duplication And Replication

There are two primary methods that are used to copy DVDs, and these are DVD Duplication and DVD Replication. With the replication method, the disc will be compressed via a glass master, and the image will be printed on the surface of the disc. This will produce an effect that is similar to what you would find in DVDs that are purchased in stores. With the duplication method, the disc will be burned from the original DVD onto a blank DVD. The images from the original DVD may be printed and added to the surface of the new DVD.

If you have the time and money to order a large package of blank DVDs, it is important to make sure you use DVD duplication or replication. There are a large number of ,companies available that can make professional copies of DVDs. If you use the services that are offered by these companies, it is important for you to make sure they use the “compare and verify” function when they are in the process of burning your discs. A lot of these companies will turn off this feature so they can speed up the time it takes for them to complete the order, but making sure the “compare and verify” function is turned on will insure that you discs are correctly duplicated.

While there are companies available that can mass copy DVDs for you within a short period of time, purchasing your own equipment can allow you to make copies of DVDs. The basic thing you will need is a computer with a DVD burner. A lot of computers now come with DVD burners, and some of them may be able to burn both CDs and DVDs. If you don’t already have one in your computer, it can be purchased from your local electronics store. In most cases, internal DVD burners are cheaper than external burners. Make sure your computer meets the system requirements for the DVD burner you are purchasing. Once you have the burner, you will now need to acquire the software.

Some of the most popular DVD burning software are Nero, Alcohol 120%, and Disc Juggler. Another popular program is DVD 2 Copy. Virtually all of these programs can be acquired online or at your local electronics store. If you use a professional company, it is important to compare them with other companies that offer the same service. A good company should test your DVD copies on a large number of different DVD players to make sure they are compatible. In addition to the playback, it is important to make sure your discs have a professional look. If you have a large order, it will take a good company about 4 to 5 days to complete it. However, if you are in a rush, some companies can complete the order in as little as 2 days.

When it comes to disc storage, you will often be given the option of “mini” or “full size.” Full size will give you the maximum amount of space per disc, which is about 8.4 gigabytes. The mini size will give you about 1.47 gigabytes of space per disc. The size that you choose is dependent on your needs.

[source: articlecity.com]

Backing Up

You won’t have to worry about losing valuable data again if you find the best backup software for your home or office. Whether your main concern is to keep a copy of all your documents or to encode sensitive information, you can find the best backup software that contains the best of both of these features and more. Backup software may not always be cheap, but it is an essential investment for preserving and protecting valuable information.

If security is your main concern, there is backup software that has five different encryption alogrithms that protect your data against hackers. You can also have the file name encrypted for added security. It is easy to add new folders, and you can build your files at the click of a mouse.

The best backup software will:

• Create a backup program
• Choose files for backup
• Define compression settings
• Choose target of the backup

You can have all of your files backed up automatically, or you can pick and choose files to back up. Changes can be made constantly, and most backup software is flexible enough to accommodate multiple versions of the same document or selected revisions. If you want to conserve space, you can select the highest level of compression to make more room. It is also easy to choose which location you want you files stored, whether it is in:

• Hard drive
• USB stick
• Network Folder
• CD
• Remote FTP Server

Most backup software employs automatic backup programs that will store your information as it is created. You can choose scheduled backup instead, if you prefer. It is possible to store multiple versions of a document and the wizard feature restores files to their original folders.

Backup software may also contain other features that are helpful, such as virus scanning and disaster recovery. Anti-virus features will help prevent file-destroying crashes from infecting your computer, and disaster recovery will help get your computer up and running again if it does happen to crash. Backup software will ensure that your files will be intact even if your computer temporarily ceases to function.

There are many who simply to backup their files manually on a floppy disk or a CD rather than purchasing backup software. However, these devices have a somewhat short shelf life, and will tend to wear out even if they are not used excessively. It would be a major disappointment to believe that your files are safely backed up when they fail to appear when needed. The sheer effort required to cut and paste and to edit your files for backup will probably cost you in terms of work hours much more than a rather modest investment in backup software. Everything is done automatically with backup software, and there is less likelihood that you will fail to backup certain files due to an oversight.

Backup software varies in price and quality, so it is worth doing substantial research before making your final investment. Some might find that security is more of a priority, whereas others are looking for backup software that will provide them with maximum space. Still others ar searching for the lowest prices on backup software. It is definitely worth it to take advantage of trial offers and demos when they are offered. This will enable you to decide on the backup software that is right for you. Take a look at Primera Optivault for an automated DVD backup solution.

[source: articlerich.com]