As part of a range of new measures Ltd is introducing we are proud to announce we have now migrated to new servers. The new servers will allow us to roll out a range of website features that will allow us to grow and adapt to a rapidly changing market place.
Our Managing Director had this to say,
” We strive to find ways that we can improve our service, and as a leading online retailer since 1999 we recognise the need to offer a stable and secure online platform. The new server will really open the doors for us to establish world class applications for internet and mobile platforms. ” has shipped product to 100’s of 1000’s of customers and we look forward to supplying great products and prices to 100’s of 1000’s more. Whilst our core products are focused on the duplication industry new visitors should be aware that we offer the largest range of digital media solutions on the Internet.
Next time you are purchasing online be sure to check out the shop. Or call us on 020 8293 0777.
Thanks to Miko for his hard work over the last couple of months.