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Upgrade to the benefits of true robotic recording and disc printing with the industry leading Rimage Producer On-Demand Digital Publishing Systems. Now with trade in cash back values of up to £4,350* for any competitive duplicator or an existing Rimage system when they buy a new Rimage producer!
For full details on the trade in promotion just call us on 020 8293 0777
* Cash back values – Rimage Producer 8100N £4,350, 7100N £3,050 and 6100N £1,750. Promotion trade in cash back promotion valid until March 31st 2011
CD-writer.com Ltd is the UK agent for the fantastic range of USB and Card Media duplicators from NexCopy. These USB duplicators have always sold well for us, possibly since their advanced functionality and unique styling set them apart from the competition. New to the market this week is the USB 3.0 version of their popular standalone USB duplicator. The new USB device has 16 target and operated via a connection to a host PC.
Find out more about the NexCopy USB3 Flash Drive Duplicator
It’s true .. we are breathing new life into the old Panther Printer from Verity Systems. Call 020 8293 0777 or click this link Verity Systems Panther Inks. You’ll find these inks the Purrfect replacements for your original verity panther stock.
CD-writer.com customers who require high quality automated disc printing can now benefit for a revolutionary new solution made available by StorDigital Systems. The new DiscJet 50 autodisc printer compromises of 2 components including a disc loader and an epson inkjet printer.
Unlike other dedicated disc printers, the DiscJet uses a standard epson disc printer as a consumable part, meaning that it is considered a component of the whole device that can be replaced as it suffers wear and tear. By allowing the printer engine to be exchanged in this way customers can be sure that they are always achieving the highest level of service from their DiscJet device, without the headache of high maintenance bills. If the printer suffers from wear and tear and need to be fixed then it can simply be swapped by purchasing a replacement print engine.
What’s More the StorDigital DiscJet auto disc printer can support a continuous ink system meaning you can get more prints for your pounds. To find out more about the revolutionary DiscJet autodisc printer from StorDigital Systems visit CD-writer.com (priced around £699 plus vat).
Here’s some information from the Primera Technology marketing department
” Please allow me to officially announce that Primera’s new Bravo 4100-Series Disc Publishers and Bravo 4100 Printers (DP-4100 in EMEA) are now shipping. Bravo 4100-Series are the world’s fastest disc publishers and printers, printing full-color, 100% coverage discs in just 6 seconds each. This is a breakthrough in our industry – and simply breathtaking to watch! “
Here are the main selling points for Bravo 4100-Series:
CD-writer.com staff members were invited to attend the launch on the Bravo 4100 Series disc publisher. After seeing the printer in action we were very impressed with the speed and quality demonstrated.
We will be offering an independant bench test to see how it compares to comparative printers in the market place, like the Microboards PrintFactory Pro and Epson PP-100.
You can see the Bravo 4100 Series Disc Publishers here
Even though StorDigital DVD Duplicators are capable of duplicating Dual Layers DVDs we still find that most customers are happy using just the single layer DVD disc. This is perhaps due to the extensive use of very effective compression technology that’s reduces the file size of standard 2 hour movies to fit a single layer disc.
Those customers that do choose to record and duplicate dual layer DVD discs may have some initial difficulties. Whilst most DVD burners and DVD Duplicators now support the burning Dual Layer discs, most customer report varied levels of success. Because of the larger file size it is ALWAYS advised that the data is first copied to an installed hard drive within the duplicator. This will prevent errors from developing in the recorded discs since you will be copying a raw data file that will be much more stable than ripping data from a master discs for 12 hours.
With Dual Layer burning the quality of your target/blank media is also much more important. With single layer burning a piece of b-grade gash media will probably complete a burn on an everyday tower duplicator. However; the dual layer burning cycle is much more prone to errors leading to the failure of the discs to burn correctly. Since dual layer media can be expensive, excessive corrupted discs can become costly.
At CD-writer.com we realise that not everyone wishes to or can afford to use a JVC or Taiyo Yuden disc and we rely on customer feedback to educate us about which discs perform best on a budget. Many customer will stand by Verbatim discs in both dual layer an standard DVD formats, however for regular use dual layer verbatim DVD can really hurt you in the pocket. That’s why we are very happy to have so much positive feedback about Xlayer Dual Layer DVDs. This little known brand of discs has been widely reported by our customer base to offer a very high level of recording success and playback compatibility. It has been compared in performance and quality to Verbatim, but can be bought for a significantly lower price. You can find Xlayer Dual Layer Printable DVD here.
New technology doesn’t have to be expensive and B-grade products don’t need to be old products. Due to the large turnover of product at CD-writer.com we often find we have as new, new or factory refurbished products at hand that we can sell as B-Grade stock. B-Grade stock ships with a 3 month warranty unless stated otherwise. Typically an item may become B-Grade for anyone of the following reasons:
01) The product has been returned by a customer due to being ordered incorrectly
02) The product may have been costmestically damaged in transit or in production
03) The product may have been used for demonstration or training
04) The product line has been discontinued
Many customers appreciate the value offered by the combination of a lower purchase price and the peace of mind afforded by a warranty. If you are looking to save on CD, DVD or Flash media duplication products be sure to call us on 020 8293 0777 or visit the B-Grade Products Section.
In six (6) seconds you can poor a cup of coffee, staples some papers or
print a full disc with the new Bravo 4100-Series Disc Duplicators.
Our online technical support tickets have been offline over the holiday period whilst they were migrated to our new servers. These support engines are now back online and available at the following locations:
StorDigital Duplicators technical Support
CD-writer.com customers technical support
Customers should be aware that the StorDigital support engine will not presently keep you updated via email. You will therefore be required to log in to your ticket in order to gain status information.