Store your media in a flash – flash media from

These days offers so much more than CD and DVD products. Our webstore is bursting at the seams with card media products, like SD Cards, MicroSD, and USB memory stick. We stock product from all the leading manufacturers as well as offering a customisation and duplication service.

Our in house desginers can create a unique 3 Dimensions USB drive design for you. If you can imagine it then we can make it. Our speciality is novelty flash drives, perfect for catching the eye of potential new customers. Unlike other promotional giveaways USB drives have real funtionality and will keep brand message in circulation for many months to come. prides itself in the supply of exceptional digital media services and solutions. If you wish to find out more about our products, solutions or USB drive customisation services, call us on 020 8 293 0777.

Digital Evidence Solutions from Ltd Ltd is proud to offer this unique solution that helps to manage and ensure the process of crucial evidence sollection and storage. Ideal for situations where the credibitlity of digital evidence may be questioned in court. By using this continuity of evidence solution it is possible to transfer digital evidence from digital camera to CD and from CD to multiple evidence CDs without the need to use a computer. Since there is no use of a computer, the opportunity for tampering is greatly reduced.

The solution offered here offers users a portable CD storage device that can be used to back up flash memory cards. The data from the memory cards is written direct to a CD. Once the master evidence CD has been produced it is then inserted into the 3 Drive DVD and CD copier and is used to create copies of the original evidence.

Extract from the National Investigations Manual – by Nick Warburton

Prosecutions can be won or lost on the evidence at hand. For enforcement officers involved in putting together cases, gathering evidence that can stand up in court is an integral part of the process and can often rely on photographic evidence collected with digital cameras. Nevertheless, many enforcement officers worry that evidence of this sort could be thrown out of court – photographic evidence is open to manipulation and there is a danger that it may be dismissed as being an inaccurate copy of an “original”. What procedures should enforcement officers follow to ensure the evidence is admissible and are there any potential pitfalls they should avoid?

The Environment Agency, which brings hundreds of successful prosecutions every year, provides its enforcement officers with detailed advice on what procedures to follow for using digital cameras at incident scenes and what to do afterwards. While individual local authorities may adopt different procedures, the EA advice does offer a handy guide for EHPs involved in gathering photographic evidence.

To begin with, enforcement officers should be experienced and skilled in the equipment they are using. At the scene of an incident, they should take photographs at standard resolution and make a pocketbook entry detailing the photographs they have taken. Officers should avoid altering the resolution to take more photographs and swap memory cards instead to take additional shots. The problem with changing the resolution is that altering it may mean the images are not adequate for legal files. Officers should resist deleting photographs from the memory to create more space or to improve on a photo because the original photographs comprise unused material.

Back at the office, officers should immediately produce a master CD-ROM that contains all of the images on the memory card, no matter what incident they relate to by using a computer with a CD writer. It is very important that when officers transfer the images from the memory card to the computer they do not delay producing a disk. The computer system is not secure. Each image should be given a different reference on the disk. At this point, the officer should make a note relating to the preparation of the disk, which will later be used as part of an officers’ witness statement. This could say something along the lines of:

“…at 16.40 hours on Friday, 22 June 2005, I returned to the offices of X authority. At 16.50 the digital camera was connected to a PC. I transferred the 30 images stored on the memory card to the computer and immediately burnt the images to a CD-ROM, which I now produce as SLM1.”

After the disk has been produced, officers must check that all the images are stored on it. If they are, the disk should be retained because this is original evidence and must be produced as an exhibit. After the disk has been produced, the contents of the memory card can be stored on the computer. Once this has been done, the photographs on the memory card can also be erased so that it can be reused for another investigation.

When the officer comes to present the case in court, using photographs as exhibits, they should also provide a witness statement that contains information like:

“On Thursday, 25 July 2005 at 1100 hours, I had examined a CD-ROM (exhibit SLM1). From that disk of 30 images, I now produce 2 images. The first is a photo labelled PHOTO3.jpg that shows the food work surfaces at Richards Road (exhibit reference SLM2), the second labelled PHOTO4.jpg, which food storage areas at Richards Road (exhibit reference SLM3). I confirm that both of these photographs are accurate representations of what I saw that day.”

While this is being done, a pocketbook entry should be made of any actions the officer took. Should it be necessary to manipulate a photograph to draw attention to a particular point, this is admissible in court as long as the original photograph is also exhibited. It is vitally important, however, that the witness statement contains a paragraph explaining how the photograph has been manipulated. This could be something like:

“Closer examination of one of storage area in exhibit SLM3 shows that the food has been spoiled. I have prepared a close up photograph of this taken from exhibit SLM3 that I now produce as exhibit reference SLM4. This shows that there are mouse droppings in the food.”

Once all of these procedures have been carried out, the master copy should be retained and store in a secure place at all times because it may be required for subsequent court appearances. Master copies are subject to rules of evidence and any material retention periods. Master copies should be kept in sealed cases using appropriate security labels and stored in an environment that will not subject them to varying degrees of temperature of humidity. Labels should include the same information that is recorded on the surface of the CDR master copy. If there are no appropriate security labels, the master copies should be placed in sealed evidence bags, which clearly identify the contents of the CDR.

Government Paper on Digital Images

Digital Images as Evidence – House of Lords

See our Continuity of Evidence solutions here

Church sermons on CD – get your message heard

Sermons on CD    CD Duplicators for churches are becoming very important. More churches are now interested in recording their sermons and services driect to CD. If you are interested in purchasing CD Duplicators for Churches then Ltd can offer you an unbeatable deal.Churches who require equipment for CD recording, CD printing and CD duplicating NEED a simple plugin solution that offers good performance at a low price. In order to satisify the needs of most Churches we have combines a package that includes some of our most popular products.Whether you’re church is new to live recording or looking to step up to digital we have a solution to meet your needs and budget.

The 3 step process to CD duplication for churches and ministries.

Step One: Pre print your CDs in preparation for your event.  

Pre printing your discs will allow you to offer the professionally finishes and presented CDs. Most people use inkjet printers to print their CDs and DVDs. For the output required by a typically sized church the ideal system would be an automated CD printer. We recommend the Microboards Print Factory Pro See our range of CD printers here  , Primera Bravo Autoprinter or StorDigital DP100.

Step Two: Record your live sermons with the CD Audio Recorder.  

The Copywriter Live will accept standard analogue audio in feeds direct from your mixing desk or source. This will allow you to make live recordings of sermons, choir, readings, Sunday service and other events.  

This easy to use LIVE CD recorder will make a valuable addition to any church or ministry that wishes to make live digital recordings for CD production and distribution. No PC is required. See CopyWriter Live Audio CD Recorder here.  

Step Three: Use a StorDigital CD Duplicator to produce your pre-printed CDs  

By using a 7 Drive StorDigital CD DVD Duplicator you can rapidly duplicate the recorded CD in time to be handed out to parishioners as they leave. The StorDigial Premium tower CD duplication systems will produce a minimum of 15 CDs per 4 minutes. Allowing you to get your message out there. See the StorDigital 15 Drive CD DVD Duplicator here. See our range of products ideal for church duplication services here.

Microboards Printer, Microboards Publisher, Microboards Duplicator FREE Media offer

Take advantage of a great offer from Microboards this summer. All of their best selling dis production systems are shipping with quanitites of free printable high quality CDR media. So if you are thinking of upgrading your production systems to a PrintFactory Pro Printer, MX2 Disc Publisher, G3 Disc Publisher, or PrintFactory 3 Printer, talk to the team at first. are the UKs leading supplier of MicroBoards duplication technology.

 Call us today on 020 8293 0777.

MicroBoards MFDigital Primera Rimage repairs

Duplicator Repairs Ltd have a dedicated team of professionally trained engineers who specialise in the building, supporting and repairing of duplication systems. Our manufacturer trained staff regularly repair products from Primera, Rimage, Microboards and MFDigital.

For a limited period only we have reduced our evaluation cost to just £35. So if you have a problem with your autoloader, tower, publisher, autoprinter or duplicator, call us today on 020 8293 0777 to discuss the options or follow this link.

Make more of your Media with

CD & DVD Duplication for your Church

CD & DVD Duplication for your Church

Only a few years ago, most of the churches enquiring about CD/DVD duplication had an existing cassette ministry and had either realised the potential for disc ministry – or simply realised the inevitability of it all.

Today, even church leaders without prior cassette tape duplication setups – and others who’ve never recorded worship services at all – are considering the benefits of a CD- or DVD-duplication ministry.

Not long ago, the main obstacles to starting a CD or DVD duplication ministry were a lack of capital funds and the fear of new technology. True, churches and computers have never gotten along well; learning from experience with photocopiers and fax machines, however, you knew these tools were essential to your success, despite the potential frustrations.

Today, media ministry is a given. Most churches at least have websites, and whether you realize it or not, these sites – along with CDs and cassettes – all serve the same function as the paper bulletins you photocopy and pass out at the door on Sunday: to promote and to remind.

Today’s duplication technology is easy to use, reliable and becoming common in households. At this point, your churches are facing the facts and realizing that starting a media ministry is just a question of making an investment of time and money.

The Financial Part is Easy

You can start a CD ministry for as little as the cost of the master. The CD recorder in your home PC will do the job if necessary. If you want to do it right, however, the most basic hardware for copying and printing CDs starts at £1500 A good, robust setup capable of meeting a church’s demand usually costs about £3000 And, if you really want to do it right, you could spend £10000 and get some advanced capabilities.

With those numbers as a guideline, ask the following questions:

What budget do you have available to make this purchase?
How much demand must the equipment support?
Do you expect this system to be financially profitable for the church, to break even, or to provide these CDs as a free service?

Of course, as you actually begin to work with someone to make a plan for buying equipment and supplies, you’ll need to be able to describe the system’s purpose. As such, you should also be able to answer this question: What do you want to accomplish? Maybe you want to use it as an outreach? Reach shut-ins? Promote, record and duplicate events?

If that last use sounds up your alley, you’re not alone – it’s the mot common reason churches get into CD/DVD duplication. They prepare a recording during the event and then duplicate it onto pre-printed discs as fast as they can to hand out or sell as people leave. Others – system not suited to on-demand duplication – take orders on-site and deliver the discs later. And, while the latter method doesn’t usually get as positive of a response, the principle is the same.

Outreach ministry and event pre-promotion require even greater volumes of discs. However, your church has plenty of lead-time to prepare the discs and DVDs, so the system doesn’t necessarily have to exceed the quantity-per-hour capabilities of event-duplication systems.

Shut-in ministry is generally both lower-volume and requires longer turnaround time. This will place the least amount of strain on your system’s capacity.

Some churches start with a system designed for a shut-in ministry and try to begin growing a demand for other services. For example, using a small combination printer/recorder, a church can duplicate and print limited quantities of discs to send out to residents in nursing homes, or people who ordered a recording of the previous week’s service.

As your church moves into the higher demand services – duplicating at an event, for instance – a split-system often comes into play. A manual tower duplicator, combined with an industrial CD printer, is a typical system for churches doing media ministry.

Additionally, the preprinted discs can be used in a tower system to record as many as 16 discs at a time within minutes of the end of a service. Because these towers are simple to operate, volunteers can load and unload the discs to keep the copy service going with practically no training.

A Familiar Formula

Using a paper bulletin as a guideline for your endeavors will help you to be successful. Like the program handout, your media ministry should meet the following criteria:

Volunteers can prepare it. How hard is it to operate this equipment, and who will be doing so? Many products, such as the tower duplicators I mentioned, have a one-button capability, meaning a volunteer simply loads the master and the blanks and presses “Start.” Others require no computer at all; at most, they have a simple two-button interface with an LCD readout where the user answers simple questions such as “Copy Start,” “Quantity” and “Speed.”

It’s available in appropriate formats. What does your congregation want? Are they ready for DVDs? Do they still use cassettes? Are they sending these to friends that have the appropriate players?

Make it look professional. What do you plan to put on the surfaces of the discs? Before you decide, it helps to know there are two printing technologies available: thermal and inkjet. Most thermal printers create a durable, crisp impression that is waterproof and fairly scratchproof. These printers are not capable of the high-resolution, photo-quality printing of inkjet printers, but they can create a long-lasting finish that will reflect well on your church. They usually cost more, but the cost per print is fairly low.

Inkjet printers give you complete printing freedom from your design – a picture of the church or sanctuary will look good using these. They are generally a little less expensive than thermal printers, but they require a disc that has an inkjet-absorbent coating, which can cost a dime or so more than an ordinary CD.

You can ask for samples of prints from each printer you’re considering and most vendors will send them to you free of charge. This will help you get a feel for the durability and resolution of each print method.

Have a backup plan. Is the product expandable to meet your growth needs? Some suppliers provide overflow services if you get more demand than you can handle, or if a machine goes down. Some also provide a special warranty (at additional cost) that allows you to get a machine fixed within a day or two. That said, as with all products, you should consider the company’s longevity and reputation. A one-year warranty does very little good if the company is going out of business next month. On the other hand, if a company has been in business for a few years, has a stable reputation and offers a good warranty, it will be worth it to spend a few extra dollars to get the right equipment.

With a little effort, your CD or DVD ministry can be up and running in no time at all!

With a demo room and facility in South East London we are well positioned to serve you. Call today on 020 8293 0777 to discuss your needs. 


Duplicator repairs by the professionals

Duplicator Repairs

At our staff have over 40 combined years of performing duplicator repair and engineering services. Every week we service and repair products from the leading manufacturers including, Rimage, MicroBoards and Primera. We have assembled and supported over 10’000 StorDigital branded duplication products that have shipped around the world.

We are confident that whatever the problem you have with your existing solution we can offer you advice and look towards delivering an economic repair. We can even offer you loan or hire units that might minimise losses associated with down time.

Call our dedicated support helpline today to book your unit in for evaluation. Call Tom on 020 3371 7391 to discuss your requirements.