StorDigital GoPro turns duplication on it’s head with Disc to Flash functionality.



The new StorDigital GoPro duplication system for CD DVD, and BluRay turns traditional tower duplicator functionality on its head. GoPro duplicators allow users to extract the contents of their optical product like, CD, DVD and Blu-Ray direct to flash media through a simple no PC required operation.

The GoPro range of DVD CD and Blu-Ray duplicators performs all the usuall tower duplicator functionality such as; disc to disc copy operation, but also features and enhanced flash media interface that performs both a Flash to Disc ™ copy operation and a Disc to Flash copy operation.

Backing up and sharing digital content has never been easier than with the StorDigital GoPro Duplicator range.

Find out more about the exciting range of StorDigital Duplicators and Digital Media solution by calling 0208 293 0777. You can buy the new StorDigital GoPro here.