Melbourne – I'm impressed by this stylish and modern city

I recently had the pleasure of spending some time in Melbourne Australia. Anyone visiting Melbourne will be impressed by the style and energy of this aspirational city. There is something and enough for eveyrone there, with a culturaly rich society keen to impress on the world their progressive stance on all things from architecture to street art. As you wander around the city the mixed flavours never fail to surprise and enchant you. Every corner delivers a new experience that is barely equalled by more established cosmopolitan city’s. Melbourne is an easy city seemingly free of the shackles and policy that might make London on occasions feel grey or staid. Get information about traveling to Melbourne. Or if you want to find Cheap flights to melbourne

Forget Information Technology, here's Human Technology

health information

While we all like to look after ourselves and ensure sound mind and body, some of the team at can be a little health obessesed. So much so infact that they have brought together these special Health Information page. Search health conditions, including arthritis , back pain, poisoning , herpes, heart disease, STDS and more. Its not Information Technology, it’s Human Technology.. now ‘Get up to Speed!’

ProBurner DVD Duplicator Advert for Sound on Sound Magazine

In the interest of ensuring our customers realise we have a sense of humour I have chosen to post our latest advert as featured in Sound on Sound Magazine. The spoofed up cover for our popular proburner magazine was a sure fire hit. Featuring our very own and much loved Steve Siu we feel that the cover strikes the perfect balance between art, technology and humour. I hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed shooting and creating it. Get huge savings on the StorDigital Proburner DVD Duplicator