Check out this cool Credit Card Shape USB Flash Drive Now up to 64GB. USB flash drives are now the do all device for digital media sharing and distribution and these credit card style devices are the most popular ever.
Month: January 2010
Resell StorDigital Systems – the nations favourite duplication technology
There has never been a better time to enter the digital media market place. More and more business, industries and individuals are now embracing digital media. StorDigital Systems are pioneers in the development, supply and marketing of Digital Media technology, offering solutions for the supply, storage and distribution of every thing from online content, to CD, DVD, USB and Blu-Ray. With 10 years experience in the industry no company knows better the applications and technology best suited to such dviers applications as, Disc on Demand, Live Duplication and Media Streaming.
Best selling products include the premium duplication towers, LightScribe disc puplishers, USB drive duplicators, Blu-Ray copiers and disc printers. No other company know more about digital media. So if your customers need to produce, distribute or store digital media product, assets or data then talk to StorDigitlal -the name to trust in duplication.
Register for your reseller account today and start making money from this grwoing market place.