Freecom MusicPal WLAN Internet Radio

Freecom MusicPal WLAN Internet Radio

Freecom have stepped up to the starting line to join Philips and a host of other consumer electronics manufacturers to gain a piece of the digital music cake. The Freecom MusicPal is well considered, well designed and compact device that allows users to access their music and internet radio content wirelessly via their PC.

With its low price tag, compact size, high specifications and Freecom badge the MusicPal Internet Radio is certain to be a big favourite over christmas and beyond. Buy Freecom MusicPal today.

MicroBoards bring in the big guns – MX1, MX2, and PrintFactory Pro


MicroBoards have announced the European launch of 3 new systems for large volume disc publishing. The MX1, MX-1, DVD CD Publisher features 1000 disc capcity, HP inkjet printer and a single high speed DVD CD recorder.

The MX2, MX-2 Disc Publisher features the same revised robotics and build quality, with 100 disc capacity, plus an extra DVD CD Recorder enabling 2X the output.

Finally the Print Factory Pro features the same chasis, body and robotics, with 100 disc capacity, HP inkjet printer, less the DVD CD Recorders.

All the units feature a new HP donor printer meaning that the costs per print will be lower. The MX1 MX2 and Print Factory Pro all use individual colour carts, meaning you can print more discs and use less ink.

Hopefully Microboards will be shipping over a unit very soon so we can offer a full review. Come back soon to find out if the new units live up to the promises.

CD Cover and Sleeve Designer – from MyMyMedia

Join MyMyMedia and get access to the coolest website for making your own CD and DVD artwork. With MyMyMedia you can join and meet a community of creative individuals making CDs and DVDs for personal and professional use. Browse the image libraries, see discs other users have made, set up your own user profile, create, upload and promote your work. MyMyMedia DiscMaker is is fun, fast and easy.

Make a CD cover online today at

BD Duplicator & Blu Ray Copiers

BD Duplicator

Whilst the Sony and Co bandwagon continues to roll into your nearest town spreading the word of Blu-Ray like a low fat olive oil spread, we cant help but notice that the once Blue Sky “Blu Drive” seems to be making its presence felt. No doubt xmas will see big sales of the PS3 in 40GB HD mode, if only because the Wii is like hens teeth.

From a production hardware point of view it has been very difficult to forecast what sort of demand we will see for Blu-Ray Duplicators. The cost of BluRay production systems remains beyond the reach of most Digital Video and creative production house, unless they specifically work with the HD field.

Once again StorDigital Systems are pleased to break the mould with there first HD duplicator. The SD11BDHD is a 2X single target Blu-Ray, DVD and CD Copier with an on board 500GB Hard Drive. Perfect for any production house working with HD content who needs to free up production resources. Ideal for pilots, demos, show reels and corporate video, the StorDigital Blu Ray Duplicator is the first product in a new line of high defnition duplicators from StorDigital Systems.

The StorDigital duplicator range continues to evolve inline with the requirements of the market and customer base. Our new enhanced High Capacity Autoloader features advanced design for continuous industry level operation. With the SD1000 HCL High Capacity DVD CD Duplicator it is easy to deliver DVD and CD discs to your customers on time and on budget, every time.

Make an appointment for a demo of our latest Robotic DVD Copier on 020 8293 0777

Don’t go grey over disc publishing.

There is much talk in the industry right now about customers buying their product from overseas via the grey import channel. With the sinking value of the dollar buying from an overseas supplier can appear very attractive.

But what do you save by buying directly from an overseas supplier or garage based web shop? It is true savings can be made on the purchase price of goods, but what happens when a machine needs repairing or is damaged in transit. You will unlikely be protected by UK consumer laws. Ltd sources its products from worldwide distributors, including those in the USA, UK and Europe. This practise helps ensure that our customers always receive competitive pricing and top level support.

All products purchased from are backed up by 1 years or more return to base warranty.

So if you require a solution for your disc production needs, trust to offer you the best products, from leading manufacturers, at low prices with unbeatable support. Primera, MicroBoards, Rimage and StorDigital.

New 24month hardware warranty, free with Primera disc publishers from Ltd prides itself on building a sustainable business whilst having the vision and tenacity to keep extending our product range, improving our service and offering our customers better than ever value.

As part of our vision for a warmer, happier and more comfortable future we are pleased to announce that Primera Disc Publishers now ship with a 24 month hardware warranty. Just another way that and Primera Technology help ease you though the world of CD and DVD disc production.

Pioneer 115D – 20X DVD Writer unveiled

Pioneer 115D

Obviously Pioneer thought that to release a drive containing the number 13 was going to be unlucky, and then to release a drive with the number 14 would make them look superstitious. So now we have the Pioneer 115D 20X DVD writer on the horizon and its moving fast. In fact its moving at 20X on both DV+R and DVD-R and 10X on dual layer. So rather than leading the race it looks like they are just keeping up with the competition. Having said that lets hope this new drive will not feature the bugs, so easily swept under the carpets, that blighted the 112D in it’s earliest incarnations.

Pioneer – please make sure it burns CD’s this time.