Whilst there is much talk of a decline in sales of CD and DVD based products it is easy to misinterpret this information. In the last 5 years the very concept of manufacturing and distribution has changed, creating a new market and a new industry. The licensing, publishing and distribution of media products (be they music or video) is no longer in the hands of the corporate giants like EMI, Sony and BMG, it is now in the hands of the individual. It is this new approach that is allowing in-house CD and DVD production facilities to buck the trends.
CD-writer.com Ltd exists at the very core of this new and exciting industry. As hardware prices fall and demand rises, we expect more companies to recognise the value of bringing their disc production in-house. While replication facilities across Europe and the world continue to close the demand for professional, easy to use solutions for larger volumes of CD and DVD discs continues to grow.
By investing in your own DVD and Blu-Ray production equipment you can offset the high costs required by replication houses for low volume work. You can produce customised discs easily for individual customers, or you can produce 1000 discs per day. You can reduce your costs, improve your flexibility, increase your sales and maximise your profits. It has never been easier to quickly produce your own discs. By using the latest inkjet technology combined with water resistant glossy printable discs you can exceed the quality that can be attained via processes associated with replication.
CD-writer.com Ltd is probably best known for the supply and support of Primera Bravo Disc Publisher products, and these units continue to be a firm favourite with customers seeking to produce lower volumes of discs without human intervention.
Disc publishers though are not always the best solution. People think that because a product is automated and has an input capacity of 100 discs that they will be fast. In fact the benefit of a publisher is unattended operation. If it is speed you’re after, then you need to think about a Tower Copier and Automated printer for the same price as our best selling Disc Publisher (Primera Bravo Pro) you can buy the StorDigital SD11 DVD and CD tower copier and the StorDigital DP50 automated disc printer, enabling the production of up to 1000 discs per day.
For independent and honest advice on how to meet your Blu-Ray and DVD production requirements talk to the duplication experts at CD-writer.com Ltd.
See a review of all the latest Disc Publishers from Microboards, Primera and StorDigital in the latest Copy of ProBurner Magazine – published by CD-writer.com Ltd.