Refill Inks for Primera and Microboards

Customers have always found the high price of authentic inks for printers a difficult pill to swallow. When you are producing a premium product for customer with high expectations the balance between cost and quality is always difficult to juggle. Its easy to see how the marginally lower cost of a refilled (or remanufactured cartridge as they might call them)can be attractive when considering your bottom line. But the facts published by refill cart suppliers regarding their products don’t always stack up.

For a get it out the door, fast as you like, the colours don’t match, it’s bleeding a bit and still feels sticky crowd a cheap as you like refilled cart might be sufficient. But, for the more professional publisher or disc manufacturer quality will always come at a cost. Whether this is in materials, skills or experience these costs are expected and appreciated in the delivery of exceptional products.

It’s the same situation with printable discs, not only are the cheaper discs subject to recording problems but printable surfaces can also vary dramatically. On some inkjet printable discs inks never seem to dry, they respond poorly to successive handling or suffer from ink bleed problems.

At we advise you to ALWAYS seek the advice of a professional supplier when choosing ink or inkjet printable media. If you own a a MicroBoards, Primera or Rimage CD DVD publisher or printer your should be aware that the manufacturer warranty DOES NOT support the use of ink refills or modified ink feed systems. If you were to visit our engineers at our Greenwich facility you would understand why.

The damage that can be done through the use of a highly pressurised refilled or remanufactured cartridge is phenomenal. Always check you are using an authentic ink cartridge produced by the manufacturer of your machine.

Whatsmore; while refilled ink cartridges might be 20% cheaper, you ARE not buying the same quality ink cartridge. The cartridge does not contain the same ink formulation as used by the manufacturer and you may get fewer prints. In an industry where the quality of the finsihed disc really counts our advice is to ALWAYS use the best quality consumables from reputable suppliers and be vigilant with your internal quality control.

Happy Printing. Primera Inks Print Factory Ink Rimage Inks MFDigital Inks

Get Credit When Its Due

The clever people here at have introduced a brand new service aimed at supporting customers of our DVD and CD duplication hardware.

CopyCredits are part of a new enhanced service level agreement designed to enable customer with external production capacity, to cover periods of increased demand or or system down time. Ltd will bundle CopyCredits into hardware solutions giving customers peace of mind when it comes to quoting on CD and DVD production jobs. CopyCredits can be ordered at the time of purchase of hardware from, and will provide the customer with discounted DVD and CD production time that is paid for in advance.

Initially CopyCredits are available in units of 100 CD or DVD, printed and suppleid with printed paper parts, assembled into cases. A maximum of 1200 units can be purchased and used ofver the course of 12 months.

Managing Director Nic Ranshaw said, ” This is the logical extension of our product and service operations. To extend and combine our production services mean we can bring a whole new offering to our customers. This is a totally original solution and I have never seen anything like it in the market before. ”

“Our DVD CD production service is second to none and I think our hardware customers will find this level of support incredibly valuable ” he added.

CopyCredits are avaiable to buy alongside DVD CD Duplicator and Printer solutions from now.