Workflow solutions for speed enforcement cameras from StorDigital Systems Ltd






tele_b“Traditional wet film speed cameras are being replaced with digital versions that use flash media. Thanks to StorDigital users can quickly back up data to Blu-Ray ”

September 18, 2014, London – StorDigital Systems Ltd is actively supporting the countries police forces as they roll out of digital versions of their fixed and stationary speed cameras. In London alone hundreds of traditional “wet film” speed cameras will be replaced with digital cameras at traffic junctions where motorists are often caught jumping the lights. Work to upgrade the existing London network is expected to be completed by October 2016.

In partnership with public sector solutions providers StorDigital Systems have developed a range of bespoke devices aimed at making the lives of digital camera operatives easier. Every camera will be producing a huge volume of data that needs to both accessed, shared, stored and archives, which is where the StorDigital GoBlu™ Series of duplicators come in to play.

“The demand for Digital Storage media and its applications have never been great or more diverse. The roll out of digital technology across the UK’s speed enforcement teams means there will be a subsequent demand for solutions that enable operatives to quickly and easily manage their data. In most cases this will involve attending the device to retrieve a CF card that will then be required, by law’ to be securely backed up and archived. ” according to Nic Ranshaw, Sales Manager of StorDigital Systems Ltd.

“ By working closely with solutions providers, active within the ‘Safety Camera Partnership’ scheme we have developed a scalable solution that allows operatives of both fixed and mobile cameras to quickly and easily retrieve, store and archive crucial digital evidence. Mobile speed enforcement cameras typical capture 16GB or 2 hours worth of data per day, and a typical operative will need to backup and store data from 3-4 cards per day. The StorDigital Systems GoPro™ simplifies the back office process of burning the CF card to Blu-Ray on one standalone device allows the operative to backup 3 CF cards simultaneously. The whole process is inline with continuity of evidence protocol and the burnt Blu-Ray discs are totally tamper proof.” says Ranshaw.

For more information call Nic Ranshaw on +44 208 293 0777

About Ltd and StorDigital Systems Ltd Ltd (established in 1999) have quickly forged a market niche and are now regarded as one of the UK’s leading independent suppliers of CD and DVD production systems. With a reputation built on service, value and great products Ltd supplies many blue chip companies, financial institutions, government bodies and educational authorities. An extensive range of CD DVD duplicators, copiers and printers are on offer with systems from leading manufacturers including Microboards, Primera, Rimage, MFdigital. Ltd also offers their own brand of professional StorDigital duplication systems including, high capacity robotic auto copiers and manually operated high capacity tower copiers.

UK speed camera enformcement division roll out new digital technology

SPEED CAMERAS in the capital are to be upgraded, with Londoners being warned to watch their average speed and not just their rate while passing the camera.

StorDigital Systems Ltd is actively supporting the countries police forces as they roll out of digital versions of their fixed and stationary speed cameras. In London alone hundreds of traditional “wet film” speed cameras will be replaced with digital cameras at traffic junctions where motorists are often caught jumping the lights. Work to upgrade the existing London network is expected to be completed by October 2016.

Average speed cameras, which check speed compliance along a more extensive length of road rather than just where the camera is located, have been trialled on a stretch of the A13 east of London.

Now Transport for London (TfL) is announcing that these types of camera will be installed at four more trial locations.

TfL’s strategy and planning director Ben Plowden said: “Ensuring that all road users are acting responsibly is vitally important to ensure that the capital’s roads are kept safe for all.

“We are committed to delivering a 40% reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured on the capital’s roads by 2020.”

AA president Edmund King said: “Modern, well-signed cameras targeted at accident hotspots are an important road safety tool aimed at helping make roads safer.”

Trial Version of Rewind Archiving Software available from Digistor


Digistor, a provider of storage devices and a trademark of Sunland International, LLC, announced a free trial version of REWIND archiving software.

Anyone interested in enjoying the reliable permanent backup solution on the market can take REWIND for a spin and see just how effective it is at securing valuable data for the long haul.

Digistor’s REWIND software enables archiving solutions for professionals and individuals who need to ensure that their digital assets will remain accessible and secure for life. Permanently backup photos, videos, documents or other digital files with REWIND and rest easy with a reliable archiving programs at your disposal.

“REWIND works with Blu-ray media to create a comprehensive, easy-to-use backup solution that features unparalleled scalability” says Murray Ellis, director of engineering, Digistor. “By utilizing affordable Blu-ray discs, REWIND allows users to scale their backup efforts on the fly. All they need to get started creating a permanent personal archive is a quality Blu-ray burner and Blu-ray disc.”

With REWIND, Digistor has made digital archiving a simple and streamlined process. The program features a user interface that is a breeze to navigate, enabling a quick and permanent backup. Drag and drop the items you want archived into the REWIND file browser and REWIND will take care of the rest.

A trial of REWIND is available here and also with select hardware and media bundles. REWIND’s free trial is a full function version of the software offering up to five archive burns and full restore ability. REWIND is compatible with both PC and Mac.

StorDigital GoPro turns duplication on it’s head with Disc to Flash functionality.


The new StorDigital GoPro duplication system for CD DVD, and BluRay turns traditional tower duplicator functionality on its head. GoPro duplicators allow users to extract the contents of their optical product like, CD, DVD and Blu-Ray direct to flash media through a simple no PC required operation.

The GoPro range of DVD CD and Blu-Ray duplicators performs all the usuall tower duplicator functionality such as; disc to disc copy operation, but also features and enhanced flash media interface that performs both a Flash to Disc ™ copy operation and a Disc to Flash copy operation.

Backing up and sharing digital content has never been easier than with the StorDigital GoPro Duplicator range.

Find out more about the exciting range of StorDigital Duplicators and Digital Media solution by calling 0208 293 0777. You can buy the new StorDigital GoPro here.

Blu-Ray duplicators from StorDigital – deliver on price and performance.



StorDigital’s best selling range of tower duplicators can copy DVD CD and Blu-Ray media from a range of sources. Options includes copying from Host PC, Network, Card Media and USB devices. You can even copy protect your copied DVD Video content. No other range of duplicators on the market delivers a richer range of functions at a price that is more affordable than the competition. Find out more here.


For a limited period only we are running new pricing on the full range of StorDigital Blu-Ray duplicators. Available with from 1 to 11 Blu-Ray targets there is an option for all sizes of production requirement. Every Blu-Ray duplicator features the latest high speed Blu-Ray burners from Pioneer and come with a back to base warranty for parts and labour. Blu-Ray tower copiers will copy Blu-Ray, DVD and CD in the full range of formats including dual layer.


Thinking of upgrading your tower duplicators? Well, think StorDigital and think Blu-Ray.