Hard disk duplication and sanitisation is made easy thanks to StorDigital Systems

Hard Drive Duplicator

StorDigital Systems have extended their product portfolio to include and own brand hard drive duplication solution. The StorDigital HD Clone Station (SDHDCS-5) is a fully standalone hard drive duplicator that creates up-to 5 perfect clones simultaneously.

The HD Clone Station can also securely erase data from multiple target drives using the USAs Department of Defense 5220.22-M sanitisation recommendation. This allows companies disposing of their legacy hardware to quickly and efficiently secure their data proir to disposal.

The device offers the follwoing features:

Standalone SATA HDD/SSD Duplication System
No Computer Required Duplicate up to 5 drives simultaneously
Tray-less design allows for quick HDD swap
Synchronous/Asynchronous Duplication
Sanitise up-to 6 target drives simultaneously
Supports 2.5″ and 3.5″ SATA HDD’s (PATA via adaptors)
User friendly interface with LCD Easy operation
No software or training required

For more information about this Hard Disk Drive Duplicator or solutions from a range of other manufacturers please contact us on 020 8293 0777.

Blap * Blap * Blap – B-Grades

Callum Walker – CD-writer.com trainee engineer reflects on the nature of being B-Grade

Callum here, trainee engineer (A-grade) at CD-Writer.com. I just wanted to tell you all about some great deals we have on some of our B-Grade duplication systems. What’s important to realise is that at CD-writer.com B-Grade doesn’t mean Low-Grade – in fact our B-Grade items are probably better than some of the products you will find available as new from other retailers. Fact!

How it all began ……

One day our MD approached me and said “Callum, have you noticed the amount of new and unused components we have lying in these boxes? I’m sure we could make some sort of use from these.” “Yeah you’re right” I said, “ and we also have a lot of cases with a bit of damage like scratches on the side or dents which we can’t sell as A-Grade because we only give our customers the best!” I replied. And Vwa LA! The B-grade project was born! You see guys our B-Grade duplicators are a simple and inexpensive solution for customers looking for the best quality products without paying the full price. Does it really matter if the case has a small scratch or slight dent on the side? At the end of the day all that matters is the quality of the components and the chance to buy a product at a fair price. Right?

What’s in stock October 2011 …..

At the time of writing this post;

We have 2 x 1-7 Pro Burners (professional duplication tower), one having a hard drive installed. Both are in great condition, work perfectly and are cosmetically clean. These are returned open box products. They are neither used nor are they ex demo.

B-Grade Proburner DVD and CD Duplicator Discounted

We also have a Premium 1-11 DVD and CD duplicator which is working great but has a few scuffs on the side.

11 Target B-Grade DVD and CD duplicator

Also available for purchase is a special build 1-6 DVD and CD duplicator with Liteon drives, it works fine but the casing is a bit dodgy; it doesn’t fit on properly :S.

LiteON Drive enabled CD DVD duplicator with discount

Finally we have the StorDigital Premium 1-10 DVD CD duplicator. This was actually donated to us by one of our regular customers, the conversation went a bit like this;

“Yo Callum, I got this duplicator here innit. It don’t work properly but I don’t want it no more, my misus says it takes up too much room in my crib so it’s yours mate.” I said “Yeah safe Dave, I’m sure I can make use of it.” So I put it on my bench, ran our hygiene routine, tested it for faults and errors, changed the necessary parts and now it’s working like new! (It also comes with Pioneer drives which is a bonus for the lucky buyer ;).

Refurbed Pioneer Duplicator here

So dear customer when you buy a B-Grade duplicator from CD-Writer.com, be assured that you are not buying a low grade and poor quality product, you are buying a duplicator with a bit of cosmetic wear and tear that offers all the performance of a brand new unit.

So its simple innit at CD-Writer.com when we offer you an A, B or C its always High Grade, C, EZ AZ 1,2,3.

Please direct all enquiries for B-Grade units to myself, Callum on 020 8293 0777.

New Technology at CD-writer.com

If you are reading the Optical Perspective Blog then it is very likely that you already recognise CD-writer.com Ltd as perhaps the UK’s leading supplier of duplication technology. After all have been specialising in the field since 1998 and don’t expect our enthusiasm for all things, CD, DVD, Blu-Ray and USB to start waining any time soon.

However the reality of investing time and money in your online retail platform is that you are alwasy looking for new ideas that may be of interest to your customer base. Whilst we are keen to ensure that we don’t loose our focus on delivering exceptional duplication products and services we would like our customers to be aware that we also supply a wide variety of other products.

Here a short list to wet your appetites:

Digital Smart Penslike the LiveScribe Echo Smart Pen


Privacy Screen for laptop and mobile devicelike 3M Frameless Privacy Filter for Laptop

Mobile Phoneslike BlackBerry Curve 9300

Tablets and Netbookslike ASUS 10.1″ EEE PAD TRANSFORMER

Iphones and Ipadslike IPAD 2 WI-FI +3G 32GB BLACK


Ipad accessorieslike A7 SLEEVE FOR IPAD, TARGUS

Flash Memorylike Secure Digital/32GB High Capacity Class4

Digital Camera & Camcorderslike Flip Video MinoHD Camcorder chrome

Laptop Carry Caseslike Swissgear Saturn messeng. bag 17″ grey, Wenger

So if it’s Christmas presents buying or seasonal gifts you are seeking, try CD-writer.com first.